The Denver Stiffs are expanding our Nuggets coverage through the launch of several podcasts on the new SB Nation Network. At the end of this post, you’ll find a link to episode one of my new show, Full Court Press. I’m sure your queue is already loaded with Nuggets-related pods, so I’m pleased to try and sell you on a different type of experience.
There’s a small army of bloggers, journalists, and entertainment personalities in this market that are dedicated to keeping you up to speed on all things Nuggets. Through podcasts, written content, and Twitter, you as fans are provided with virtually everything you’d ever need to know about your favorite team. But how much do you know about the individuals who work so hard to provide you with that coverage?
Every other Friday, I’ll release a conversation with a new personality to discuss their process as creators, their unique perspective on covering this team, and what makes them tick—both in the world of basketball coverage, and in life.
In episode one, I sat down with The Stiffs’ EIC, Adam Mares, to discuss his ambitious audio-documentary on Will Barton. Why was Adam compelled to tell Thrill’s story? What did he learn in the process? Will there be a second documentary in the same style?
Plus, Adam reveals his most embarrassing moment as a media member and gets real with me about his biggest fears.
To listen to episode one of Full Court Press, click on the link below: