Pickaxe and Roll is participating in the Blogger NBA MVP and Rookie of the Year rankings that are conducted every two weeks. Below you will find links to the previous rounds of voting as Pickaxe and Roll's individual rankings.

Check out the results from 2007-08 by clicking here.

Round 1
Round 2
Round 3
Round 4

Pickaxe and Roll Rankings:
Round 1
Round 2
Round 3
Round 4

NBA MVP Rankings – Round 1

10 points – LeBron James – The only argument I have heard as to why Kobe is better than LeBron is Kobe is the guy you want taking the last second shot, but if there is more than three seconds left I will take LeBron attacking the rim over any other option in the NBA.

9 points – Chris Paul – The Hornets have not hit their stride yet, but it is no fault of Paul’s. Despite his amazing season somehow his numbers are up across the board.

8 points – Kobe Bryant – Kobe’s numbers are down, but I think he has reached the segment of his career where he is happy to win every game and “only” put up 24 points a game than win two thirds of the games with a scoring average over 30.

7 points – Dwight Howard – Sure his last game was a stinker offensively, but he still managed five blocks in only 26 minutes. He started last season off hot as well, it will be interesting to see if he can keep it up.

6 points – Dwayne Wade – Miami is 4-4 and Wade has proven his Olympic performance was no fluke. Without Wade the Heat are so bad they would probably somehow be minus 2 and 6.

5 points – Joe Johnson – Doe anyone else wonder about how good the Suns could have been if he could have just dealt with being a star amongst stars?

4 points – Tim Duncan – Sure the Spurs have been horrible, but Duncan is singlehandedly keeping them afloat. Timmy can get his numbers no matter who he plays with. I do not think we could say the same thing about Tony Parker or Manu Ginobili.

3 points – Chris Bosh – Bosh has carried the Raptors while Jermaine O’Neal has struggled to find his bearings. Now that O’Neal is providing some serious interior assistance the Raptors will be tough to beat.

2 points – Amare Stoudemire – Amare’s numbers are a bit down due to a couple of off games where Shaq took over. If he keeps playing 38 minutes a game he will set some new career highs and will move up this list.

1 point – Chauncey Billups – The Nuggets are 5-1 since he arrived and he has proven to be exactly what they have needed. Chauncey’s return home has even revitalized the other Denver teams as the Broncos are 2-0 and Avalanche are 3-0 since Billups returned home.


NBA Rookie Rankings – Round 1

5 points – Derrick Rose – I do not think any of us expected Rose to produce like this right out of the gate. Who says playing point guard in the NBA is difficult?

4 points – O.J. Mayo – Some players are a better fit for the NBA game than the college game. Apparently Mayo is one of them. He has put up some serious points nearly leading the Grizz to back to back road wins in Denver and Phoenix.

3 points – Rudy Fernandez – Apparently playing against the best competition overseas can help prepare a player for the NBA because Fernandez has been incredible from day one. His shot creating and shot making abilities are a joy to watch.

2 points – Michael Beasley – Beasley is meeting expectations, but I think most of us set expectations a little low hoping he would exceed them.

1 point – Jason Thompson – I expect this will be Thompson’s only appearance on this list as Greg Oden is healthy for the first time in his NBA career, but Thompson has played very well so far for the Kings.

NBA MVP Rankings – Round 2

10 points – LeBron James – How bad does LeBron want to be MVP? When he found out the number one argument that Kobe should be MVP over him was the fact that Kobe was dominating with decreased playing time LeBron only played 17 minutes against the Thunder. Crafty.

9 points – Chris Paul – Watching Paul play you get the feeling he could lead the league in scoring if he wanted to.

8 points – Kobe Bryant

7 points – Dwight Howard – “Who is like the beast? Who can make war against him?” – Revelation 13:4

6 points – Paul Pierce – If a team is 16-2 someone has to be on this list and KG’s numbers are down enough that Pierce takes his spot on this list.

5 points – Dwyane Wade – At this point if someone is going to New York in two summers, isn’t the odds on favorite Wade? This supporting cast sucks.

4 points – Chris Bosh

3 points – Tim Duncan

2 points – Chauncey Billups – Billups may not put up the best numbers on the team, but like KG with the Celtics last season, he has imposed his personality on the Nuggets.

1 point – Devin Harris

NBA Rookie Rankings – Round 2

5 points – Derrick Rose

4 points – O.J. Mayo

3 points – Greg Oden

2 points – Rudy Fernandez

1 point – Marc Gasol

NBA MVP Rankings – Round 3

10 points – LeBron James – The Cavs finally lost a game, but good luck blaming LeBron. He accumulated 14 points, four rebounds and two assists in the fourth quarter against the Hawks.

9 points – Chris Paul – Even without Tyson Chandler the Hornets have won eight of their last ten with their only two losses coming on the road against Boston and Portland. They will not catch the Lakers, but Paul will have this group right behind them, where they should be.

8 points – Kobe Bryant – Sure the Lakers may have slipped on defense a little bit, but there are 28 other teams who would kill to only have three losses right now.

7 points – Dwight Howard – Maybe Dwight Howard is not that good. After all Orlando won in Utah without him. Yea, and maybe I drive a Ferrari.

6 points – Paul Pierce – Pierce’s numbers may not knock your socks off, but he is the player who this team turns to in crunch time and with all the attention KG gets all the attention for his histrionics on the court, but I believe Pierce is the emotional leader of the Celtics and the main reason why they are 22-2.

5 points – Dwyane Wade – Wade and the Heat had a rough few days, but his play still merits him a spot on the list.

4 points – Tim Duncan Gosh it gets old putting him on this list.

3 points – Dirk Nowitzki Dirk is putting up huge numbers and is the reason the Mavs are on a 9-2 run.

2 points – Chauncey Billups – Melo got the headlines this week with his 33 point quarter, but it remains Chauncey who is stirring this cocktail. The Nuggets offensive efficiency is skyrocketing this season thanks to Chauncey.

1 point – Brandon Roy – Portland may have lost two straight games at home, but what he does in the fourth quarter is nothing short of amazing. He simply does not miss anything short of a three, but if he does miss, he typically gets the rebound. Portland better hope he does not drop dead from the weight he is carrying.

NBA Rookie Rankings – Round 3

5 points – Derrick Rose Barring injury the rookie of the year race is over.

4 points – O.J. Mayo Mayo has not had any mind blowing games lately, but he continues to play above expectations.

3 points – Marc Gasol – What the…Memphis has won four straight? Big Marc is shooting 54% from the field and 75% from the line?

2 points – George Hill – Do I get credit for knowing what IUPUI stood for before he was drafted?

1 point – Greg Oden – When he can stay on the court he is pretty good, but I still have to question his motor. His effort against the Jazz could be described as nothing other than “statuesque.”

NBA MVP Rankings – Round 4

10 points – LeBron James

9 points – Kobe Bryant

8 points – Chris Paul

7 points – Dwight Howard

6 points – Dwyane Wade

5 points – Paul Pierce

4 points – Tim Duncan

3 points – Yao Ming

2 points – Dirk Nowitzki

1 point – Brandon Roy

NBA Rookie Rankings – Round 4

5 points – Derrick Rose

4 points – O.J. Mayo

3 points – Marc Gasol

2 points – Rudy Fernandez

1 point – Marreese Speights